Good villains make for great stories. I'm usually drawn to smart antagonists with solid backstories. I wanted to analyze why this might be so I picked three of my favorites, drew them and thought about why they resonate with me so much.
Wilson Fisk
I loved the Fisk character in Daredevil and Spider-verse. He’s always just missing his opportunity to do the right thing. His relationships get hurt and he get’s filled with regret but still does the wrong thing all over again. I can’t count the times I’ve fallen into that vicious cycle. 

Billy Hargrove
Billy hurts others because of his wounds and eventually get’s taken over by the mind flayer who makes him do terrible things. Even today I constantly am letting the darkness use my past wounds to effect my attitude and actions. It always ends badly.  

Darth Vader
Vader’s redemption story was huge for me as a kid. I remember doing things that seemed wise only to find out that they’d leave me broken and empty. Vader was tricked into believing lies by the dark side and only sees the light just in time. Something I can easily relate to, even today.  



Darth Vader from Star Wars, Mind Flayer Billy Hargrove from Stranger things and Wilson Fisk (Kingpin) from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Thr Read More
